About Me:
My name is Samuel First; I'm a SysAd/Network Tech/Programmer/General Tech Enthusiast by trade. My passion for all things computing was first ignited when I read Cory Doctorow's novel Little Brother circa 2012. Over the next few years, I taught myself how to program, began daily driving Linux, and enrolled in as many computer related classes as my high school would let me. My hobbies and interests include:
Photography: The majority of my work consists of nature photography, but I enjoy all forms of photography. Currently, I shoot on a Nikon D3500 and a Fuji X-100. You can find my portfolio under the photography link at the top of this page.
Home Lab: My lab consists of a router running OpenWrt, NAS and MediaWiki servers running on raspis, and a media center running Debian that I control via KDE Connect.
Software Development: I am comfortable working in a number of languages, my current favorites being lisp (more specifically Common Lisp), Ruby, and Python. I find the domains of language design and data analysis very interesting.
Fencing: I fenced sabre through middle and high school, although never competitively. I also fenced a little bit of foil and epee, but never found them as engaging as sabre.
Writing: I enjoy writing, as is evidenced by the link to my blog at the top of this page, although, I find it somewhat difficult as I have a habit of second-guessing my voice (guess how many revisions this landing page has gone through).
About This Site:
This site exists to host my personal projects: my photography portfolio, my writings, my resume, and a catalog of my software projects. The site itself is written in a custom lisp dialect inspired by markdown and transpiled to various formats by a static site generator. The primary front end is the HTML + CSS driven webpage. Javascript is intentionally avoided unless strictly necessary to minimize complexity and bloat.
The site is available in the following formats:
RSS (for some pages)
Not currently, but soon Gemini